As business evolves, so do our techniques!
Staying on top of developments means active involvement in community.
White Rabbit empowers Triba and other communities to create an education and growth environment. Triba is about the people. It is the premier business expert community, operating on web3, value-based system.
We are a collaborative network of experts and business education advocates.
We are Triba.
Give us some information about your business so we can welcome you into the community.
Our unique onboarding process connects you with the best potential partners, mentors, or employees!
Weekly discussion on business topics including hiring, branding, training, marketing, and the specific tools for each!
Live streamed seminars and workshops to pick up crucial business skills from the experts!
Triba is a collection of business partners sharing resources and connections for mutual benefit. By joining Triba, you gain access to our partner and barter programs - once you’ve completed our screening/onboarding process.
Triba NFTs are commemorative, collectible, and convertible into real-world work, goods, and services. We value interactions and giving value freely - well, now you can thank each other and stockpile favors (in the form of Triba Coin, etc), which can be used collectively to accomplish something greater!